Triber streamlines tenders for goods, services, and people, reducing costs and improving supply chain resilience


Out of Challenge, Comes Opportunity

Successful innovations often arise from a pressing need, and Triber is no different.

As co-founders of a thriving business, we relied on a panel of subcontractors to competitively meet our customers' labour and material needs. However, our tendering process was cumbersome, relying on unsecured emails, shared drives, and spreadsheets.

We knew we wanted to scale our business, but these outdated methods were holding us back. We searched for off-the-shelf solutions, but nothing met our specific requirements.

We had identified a gap in the market. And as seasoned tech entrepreneurs, we knew what to do: we built it ourselves.

That's how Triber was born – a secure, efficient, and scalable platform designed to streamline procurement and empower businesses to thrive.

Our Vision

To bring the sophisticated procurement practices used by financial institutions to trade their trillions of dollars of financial assets and liabiltiies to businesses of all sizes to procure their labour, goods and services.

Our Mission

To provide every business the opportunity to invite their trusted suppliers to their exclusive Tribe and build a resilient, transparent, cost effective and valuable supply chain.

Our Specialty is the Lifecycle of Your Tender

Streamline Procurement: Triber Manages 82% of Your Process


Meet the Triber team

Chris Liddell


Craig Leaney

Partner - Customer Engagement

Aileen Marasigan

Resourcing Services

Rence Bersabe

Services Analyst

Contact us to find out how Triber can help

Let Triber streamline your purchasing

Contact us to find out how Triber can help

Let Triber streamline your purchasing

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